Whitby Steampunk Weekend, 7th, 8th and 9th February 2025

The first Whitby Steampunk Weekend  of 2025 event takes place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February 2025 at the Whitby Pavilion and at other locations in the seaside town.

This is one of our favourite events of the year here on the Yorkshire Coast!

For 2025, though, we’ll be working hard as the Steampunk event takes place in February, as we continue to renovate the Riviera Guesthouse.

We won’t be opening our doors for bookings until Easter however we are taking bookings for Easter, the Summer and for the year ahead.

You can book your stay with us here.

Visit Whitby

The Steampunk event (and others similar to it) can be enjoyed if you wanted to visit Whitby for the day.

Our coastal resort is perfect to sample for a few hours and we hope that a visit like this will encourage a return visit!

Whitby Steampunk Festival


The festival offers a wide range of activities, attractions, live performances, stalls, presentations, displays and much more.

It is a feast for all five senses and is a real treat for anyone who attends.

Find out more here.

What is Steampunk?

This is a question that many ask: what IS steampunk?

It is a term that covers many artforms, including dress, film, music and more.

Other terms include ‘retro-futuristic’, the genre includes science fiction, fantasy and is inspired by 19th century, industrial steam-powered machinery.

More recently, James Morrow published Well Past Midnight: A Novel About Steampunk Science Fiction in 1983.

Steampunk has also inspired the film industry with films such as Wild Wild West (1999), and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004).

Others include Brazil (1985) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang  (1968); these are just some examples.

The genre may include a number of aesthetics and themes including horror, science fiction, fantasy and history.

All the above offers a very brief explanation, and you can find out more from our sources at the bottom of this blog post.

Why Whitby?

Many other locations host steampunk events, yet Whitby is one of the most popular.

We are biased as we love our hometown, and we think it’s one of the best events around!

Whitby is famed for its other inspired festival, Whitby Goth Weekend ® and this event is in part inspired by Bram Stoker’s famous vampire novel, Dracula.

Steampunk researchers have pointed out that Dracula can also be connected to steampunk.

The town’s remote location, stunning architecture and historical links help to ‘feed’ steampunk’s popularity.

A Family Friendly Event

From newbies to seasoned steampunk fans, the event is family friendly!

The main set up is within the 14,000ft Whitby Pavilion, which overlooks the town’s beaches and out across the North Sea.

Inside the Pavilion, discover trade stands, live performances and lots more.

Some Highlights

While during the daytime, family is the focus, some events are suitable for adults aged over 16 years of age.

On Saturday 8th February, The Red Barn and The Urban Voodoo Machine Live  will perform at the Pavilion.

Will Whitby Be Busy?

Whitby is a town that attracts people throughout the year.

It is fair to say that special events such as Steampunk Weekends are busy.

The first event took place in Whitby in 2017 and its popularity  has increased year on year.

Whitby is also serviced by public transport including buses and trains.

What Is The Dress Code?

Of course, one of the key elements of the Steampunk events is the ‘costume’.

If you love fashion, history or both, then you’re in for a treat!

Incredible top hats, groovy goggles, sumptuous fabrics, corsets, bodies, and elaborate jackets.

Other items can include feathers, lace, leather, velvets, silks, chains and more are just some of the things you might see.

Other accoutrements include make up, jewellery, and more.

As you see people walking around in Steampunk attire, then it is worth thinking a great deal of time and effort has gone into their clothing and accessories.

Of course, you can experience the fun in your own clothes and simply immerse yourself in this fascinating event.

Steampunk in Art

Steampunk artwork is very popular to collectors, enthusiasts and those who love the genre.

Images can include ‘everyday’ items such as clocks, wheels, pendulums and more.

Other, more esoteric items could include steam engines, airships, telescopes, heritage cameras and more.

What To Do Next

If you want to visit Whitby next month, then plan ahead with our guide to parking and make sure you leave yourself plenty of time for your journey.

You can plan what to eat here.

and if you are definitely coming to Whitby, check if you need tickets to anything and book a table for your meals.

We also  have our guide of Things to Do in Whitby … just in case you need a change of scene!

And you can book your stay with us for later in 2025 here. 

Sources of information:






